Dana Water Systems

January 2021 Dana Water Blog

We hope you all stayed healthy and safe during the holidays. Apart from COVID-19, we have heard of some nasty stomach viruses run through the valley and it is important that we stay hydrated. Our Dana 7 Hydro RO system not only purifies water, but it also raises the PH, and puts back trace minerals so that our bodies can absorb the nutrients. Our customers can feel and taste the difference. We have installed some 5,600 softeners and 9,100 Whole House Systems this past month as well. Customers enjoy our systems and that the parts we manufacture here in the US. We build these to last. Our customers maintain their homes and want exceptional products to keep their plumbing and water safe. It’s almost like you can’t afford not to have a softener because of the life it extends for your soaps, clothes, pipes, and faucets. And not to forget, current homeowners with our 9,100 Whole House System feel comforted knowing that on top of getting soft water, they are also receiving filtrated water into their homes.

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